If you can no longer attend, please let us know so your place can be allocated to someone on the waiting list. Due to the limited numbers, we ask that only one person from each rail company attend the event.
Women of Wabtec (WOW)’s purpose – “Dedicated to progressing the culture of Wabtec to ensure the expansion of diversity and gender balance while affording development opportunities for women in all stages of their life and careers. WoW welcomes all interested men and women”.
We would like to invite WR on a tour of our facilities to highlight to members the fantastic work that is carried out at Barton including powertrain, electrics & door overhauls. This is the first time we have offered tours of our site to non-Wabtec stakeholders, so book your place now!
The event will consist of presentations, site tour, networking, and light lunch. In addition, we will have 2-3 senior team members for a panel discussion.
PPE (boots and a high-visibility vest) will be required for the tour. If you have your own, we encourage you to bring them.
Please add any dietary requirements in the notes section.
10:00Arrive on site
10:30Introduction & overview of Wabtec
11:00Site tour
13:00Lunch served
13:00Wabtec Senior Management panel discussion and networking