Skills 4 Limited
Best Training or Development Programme Award

Skills 4 Limited
The UK Rail Industry can only thrive through the challenges that lie ahead, if its workforce is well trained and motivated. The judges felt that the “Skills 4 EMPOWER” programme has enhanced the career progression of participants. The programme has had a significant impact on Women's career progression with indirect impacts on the culture within participating companies.
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TransPennine Express
Social Inclusion Award

TransPennine Express
The judges felt that TPE has created an equality, diversity and inclusion strategy that covers all demographics, not just gender. They were impressed with the way the programme involved local communities as well as encompassing the whole of the organisation from top management down.
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Egis Transport Solutions
Top Employer of the Year Award (Under 250 Employees)

Egis Transport Solutions
The judges described Egis Transport Solutions as “An organisation with a truly inclusive culture”. Its pro-active equality, diversity and inclusion team has developed policies and practices that ensure EDI is woven into the fabric of the business.
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Top Employer of the Year Award (Over 250 Employees)

The judges noted that Southeastern prides itself on being a pioneer for Women in Rail and recognised its approach as “unique, innovative and impressive”. The range of initiatives introduced to support women across its workforce and the recognition of some of their specific daily challenges is described as “inspirational”.
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Karen Wallace - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, ScotRail
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award

Karen Wallace - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, ScotRail
Despite starting with ScotRail during Covid the judges noted that Karen worked with energy and commitment to improve the culture at ScotRail - working with trade unions, staff, managers and the executive team. The judges said that in doing so “she won the hearts and minds of colleagues who, because of her, felt valued, validated and had a sense of belonging.”
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Elaine Yip - Civil Engineer Apprentice, Mott MacDonald
Female Apprentice of the Year Award

Elaine Yip - Civil Engineer Apprentice, Mott MacDonald
The judges noted that becoming a Civil Engineer was a massive career change for Elaine; despite the extra challenges that this has brought she continually encourages colleagues to consider diversity, and challenge preconceived ideas and unconscious bias. They describe her as “A real champion of diversity and of promoting engineering.”
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Jasmine Waller - Mechanical Modification and Exam Technician, TXM Group
Rising Star of the Year Award

Jasmine Waller - Mechanical Modification and Exam Technician, TXM Group
The Judges describe Jasmine as “a talented individual who is self-motivated to achieve success and influence change, in order to secure a modern and inclusive environment.” She is an inspiring and tenacious individual, who is a real role model, empowering the next generation in rail.
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Huw Jones - Managing Director Transport, BAM Nuttall
Inspirational Man of the Year Award

Huw Jones - Managing Director Transport, BAM Nuttall
The judges said that since joining rail, at a young age, in 2016 Huw has stepped up and embraced gender diversity and inclusion. Not only is he a champion of gender balance but he has recognised the challenges that women face in balancing a career and home life, through the flexible working programme he has championed. He is a role model to others.
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Celia Morris - Rail Division Learning & Development Consultant, Mott MacDonald
Inspirational Woman of the Year Award

Celia Morris - Rail Division Learning & Development Consultant, Mott MacDonald
The judges felt that Celia is the stand out winner – having overcome adversity to study part-time in order to begin a new career she continually champions gender balance, and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. They commented “Not only does she support and encourage others in the industry but she is amazing in her own career and what she has achieved.” Celia is a true inspiration to all.
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Jacqueline Harrington, Legal Secretary, ODL and Insurance Manager at Angel Trains Limited and Sigourney Doyne, Team Secretary at CS2 Limited
The Adeline Ginn Women in Rail Award

Jacqueline Harrington, Legal Secretary, ODL and Insurance Manager at Angel Trains Limited and Sigourney Doyne, Team Secretary at CS2 Limited
Jackie Harrington was working alongside Adeline Ginn in 2012 when the charity was set-up. She quickly became actively involved in the work of Women in Rail, stepping in to support Adeline with the growing demands of the charity’s administrative tasks, event organisation and the setting up of the mentoring programme, to name a few. Sigourney Doyne joined Jackie and Adeline a few months later, also becoming involved in supporting the charity’s growth and in particular Adeline and Jackie with the administration, website, events and mentoring programme; the three of them often working outside of working hours, evenings, weekends and during the holidays to drive the charity’s vision forward. Adeline often said that Jackie and Sigourney have been crucial to the success of Women in Rail and that she and the charity are hugely indebted to both of them.
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Network Rail’s East Midlands Frontline Maintenance Team
Best Training or Development Programme Award

Network Rail’s East Midlands Frontline Maintenance Team
The judges felt that Special Recognition should be given to the Network Rail East Midlands Frontline Maintenance Team for its “Home Safe Programme” which recognises the basic need for everyone to “go home safe” after a day at work. The well-led, safety focused programme has brought about significant cultural change across the team.
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Siemens Mobility Limited
Social Inclusion Award

Siemens Mobility Limited
The judges commented that Siemens Mobility had developed some really positive initiatives; they noted that Siemens is not an inward focused company, but one that reaches out to industry partners and works with other organisations to bring people into Rail.
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Anita Gray - Head of Diversity and Inclusion, MTS UK, Worldline
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award

Anita Gray - Head of Diversity and Inclusion, MTS UK, Worldline
The judges said that Anita had delivered demonstrable change in a short period of time and is clearly the driving force behind the EDI strategy at Worldline. They also recognised her strong focus on mental health, better work life balance, recruitment gender neutral language and on developing a greater awareness of a range of issues which has helped embed the EDI culture and create equal opportunities for all.
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The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award

The judges felt that Northern has worked hard to improve diversity - specifically in relation to recruitment from ethnic backgrounds. There is a tangible link between their work and the benefit gained and it’s clear that the training programme it has in place is driven by the company itself.
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Nadia Davidson - Station Sales Clerk, Southern
Female Apprentice of the Year Award

Nadia Davidson - Station Sales Clerk, Southern
The judges felt that Nadia deserves special recognition – Having arrived from Jamaica just prior to the pandemic she had to take formal qualifications in Maths and English in order to progress her career. She has already taken part in schemes aimed at recruiting more female apprentices and featured in industry videos aimed at getting passengers back on trains.
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Ellie Revill - Welding Assistant, Renown Railway
Rising Star of the Year Award

Ellie Revill - Welding Assistant, Renown Railway
Ellie joined Renown Railway as an Assistant Welder, in what has traditionally been an exclusively male oriented environment. From the outset she embraced the role and has proved to all of her peers that it’s not only men that make outstanding Railway Welders and Grinders. She is described by the judges as “Trail blazing”.
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Matthew Foote - Route Operations Manager York and Sheffield, Network Rail
Inspirational Man of the Year Award

Matthew Foote - Route Operations Manager York and Sheffield, Network Rail
According to the judges Matt lives and breathes EDI. Rather than wait for his organisation to change, he took the lead by diversifying his team, removing obstacles to recruiting and opening doors for a wider range of applicants. As a lifelong supporter he is also spreading EDI beyond the limits of his team; taking his message to wider audiences.
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Dr Nike Folayan MBE - Technical Director, WSP
Inspirational Woman of the Year Award

Dr Nike Folayan MBE - Technical Director, WSP
Nike's work in encouraging women from black and minority ethnicity backgrounds to pursue careers in rail is described by the judges as “both inspirational and commendable”. Nike’s achievements and passion in this area were recognised through her being awarded an MBE for services to Diversity in Engineering.
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