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An educational presentation combined with personal experience about endometriosis, a condition affecting one in ten women globally. The presentation will include information about what endometriosis is, tips on how best to support those living with the condition – both colleagues and loved ones – and real-life accounts. Presented by Georgie Baker, Bid Manager in Telent’s Rail division.

This event is timed to link into both Endometriosis Day 01 March 25 and Endometriosis month

Everyone is invited to join this conversation. Managers in particular are encouraged to attend this event to better understand how they can support an individual living with this condition as endometriosis is recognised as a significant cause of absenteeism – especially among women of reproductive age.

I am speaking on behalf of myself and as an employee of Telent Technology Services. However, I was supported through my diagnosis journey, and I’m currently still being supported through treatment by a charity called Endometriosis UK: the UK’s leading charity supporting endometriosis sufferers.

I am a member of their local support group in Birmingham and am giving this presentation in a personal capacity (I’m not a trained Endometriosis UK volunteer or staff member).

Attachment 1 – Endometriosis Overview Handout


  • 12:15
    Introduction from Women in Rail
  • 12:20
    Georgie Baker
  • 13:00
    Q&A / open discussion
  • 13:15