Presenting online with passion, power and presence

Women in Rail Scotland is really pleased to welcome Sylvia Baldock back for the third time this year, to run an online masterclass for us on ‘Presenting online with passion, power and presence’ being held on Thursday 26 November at 12 noon.  Please join us and hear from Sylvia as she talks us through how to deliver powerful talks online that will have lasting impact on your audience. This is so relevant today especially when so many of us are working remotely.

A big thank you to Sylvia from Women in Rail Scotland for so generously supporting us this year.  We really appreciate it.

About the event

Covid-19 has massively increased the use of online platforms which are rapidly becoming the preferred route to learning for many organisations.  It’s important to get proficient at delivering great value through this medium and this masterclass will help you to hit the ground running in presenting online.

Many people are really scared about presenting to camera which often stops them using the incredible technology we now have at our fingertips.

People can completely lose their personality when speaking to camera. They switch into formal ‘BBC Presenter’ mode which lacks warmth, credibility and connection.

This enlightening Masterclass is designed to address some of the fears around public speaking and how to deliver a really engaging talk that leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

What you will learn

  • To appreciate the value you have to offer and why you have the right to command the attention of your audience.
  • To learn how to practice and polish a talk that will engage and educate your audience.
  • To develop a confident delivery of your talk working on vocal variety, pace, pause, power and passion.

We all have unique value, knowledge and expertise to offer yet we often find it difficult to share our value in a way that will motivate others to take action to make a real and lasting difference.

We’ll be addressing how to:

  • Deliver a powerful talk that meets the needs of the audience as well as your own
  • Manage the fears around presenting
  • How to prepare and practice to ensure a confident delivery
  • Top tips on delivery via online platforms
  • How to warm up your voice and calm those nerves.

This session will help you to embrace the wonderful technology at our fingertips and to start using it effectively and allowing your unique personality to shine through.

Date | Thursday 26 November, 2020

Time | 1200-1300hrs

Register now

About Sylvia Baldock

Sylvia Baldock – Team Engagement & Collaboration Specialist, Personal Impact Thought Leader, Professional Speaker & Presentation Skills Expert, Executive Coach/Mentor, ‘Time to Think’ Facilitator, Author and Best-selling International Co-Author.

Sylvia enables Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs to recognise the unique value they bring to the workplace and to lead with confidence and purpose. Sylvia pinpoints your natural strengths and challenges and works with you to ensure you are playing to those strengths 70-80% of your working time.

When you are using your particular skill set, you consistently deliver at a very high standard, you become increasingly creative in your specialist area and you solve problems like never before. You become recognised as a trusted ‘expert’ and the ‘go to’ person and in your field.

To find out more click here or contact Sylvia directly by email –

We look forward to seeing you online.