Sorry, this session is now closed.

Look out for further sessions which WR Yorkshire may organise later this year.

Empowering Neurodivergent Women in the Rail Industry

Women in Rail Yorkshire are delighted to invite you to this online webinar on neurodiversity in the workplace, delivered by Lexxic.

Lexxic are leaders in the field of neurodiversity. They are a psychological consultancy that helps organisations develop environments in which neurodiversity can thrive.

The session will cover:

  • What is meant by neurodiversity.
  • Characteristics of the main neuro-differences and how they may present in women.
  • The value of neurodiversity and neuro-inclusion for your organisation, drawing on evidence from leading employers.
  • Practical advice on how to make your organisation more neuro-inclusive.
  • Examples of workplace adjustments and assistive technology that can empower neurodivergent employees to thrive in the rail industry.
  • The support Lexxic offers for neurodivergent individuals and their employers.

The session will be followed by a Q&A section.

Please note: the session won’t be recorded. This is to give everyone the confidence to ask questions as it will be a closed group of participants. We hope you can join us for the webinar on this insightful and important topic.

How to Register

Please register using the form below. A link will be sent to registrants closer to the date.

Registrations will close at 13.00 pm on Wednesday 26th April.


  • 12:00
    Welcome - WR Yorkshire
  • 12:05
    Introduction - Lexxic
  • 12:10
    Presentation - Lexxic
  • 12:45
    Q&A - All
  • 13:00