About this session

The Women in Rail South Bookclub continues with our September book, The Mermaid of Black Conch by Monique Roffey.

Magical touches blend with precise realism in this bittersweet tale of a mermaid trying to put the sea behind her. Roffey’s scaly eyed, barnacle haired mermaid is frighteningly beastly and authentically mythical. Emerging after hundreds of years from the depths of the sea off the imagined Caribbean island of Black Conch, the mermaid is soon captured by an American father and his son. After she is saved by local islander David, the Mermaid’s slow return to a human-like state unleashes a series of events which crash like waves, rocking the small island, threatening a mutiny. A rare novel of dazzling brilliance, that explores desire, ownership, and the legacy of empire.

The book club discussion will take place on MS Teams and will be a reflection on the themes in the book and what we’ve learnt from them.   Not only will we have a great discussion on the book of the month, there will be the opportunity to engage with others in the Women in Rail South community.  It will also be a chance to give your suggestions for future books for us to read and share together.

Time & date
7pm, Tuesday 5th October 2021

How to Register
Please register using the form below. Joining instructions will be sent nearer the time.

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